All Work / Office and Industrial
TKA+D designed the Aristotle, a multi-tenant Office/Industrial development near the corner of Venables and Clark Drive. Project details include 2 below grade levels of parking, light Industrial spaces on Levels 1 through 3, office space on levels 4 & 5 and an expansive rooftop amenity area provided on level 4, with a mix of intensive and extension planting, affording spectacular views to the North Shore Mountains.
The overall form and massing of the project is a functional response to the requirements of the anticipated users. The industrial uses are expressed in durable and appealing cast in place concrete construction with a lighter, more transparent expression being employed for the office floors. The facade along both Clark and Adanac Street is broken into smaller, more human scale elements by the articulation of the ground floor units into bays. The cast in place concrete walls are further articulated throughout the building with a rhythmic composition of reveals, expressed formwork tie holes and board form textures. Large expanses of Curtain wall glazing are mixed with solid, and semi opaque panels to create a dynamic and fun composition that is not only functional, but suggestive of the vibrancy on the neighborhood and busy Clark Drive corridor.
Project Details